Research Project

Research Project Started FY2024

Development of Pulsed Magnetic Field System for Functional Magnetic Materials (FY2024-2025)
PI: O. Tovstolytkin (Institute of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine) and H. Nojiri ( Magnetism Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2019

Synthesis and Investigation of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Materials (FY2019-2021)
PI: J. Eckert (Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences) and H. Kato (Non-Equilibrium Materials Div., IMR)
Novel Spin Triplet Superconductivity in UTe2 (FY 2019-2020)
PI: J.-P. Brison (Univ. Grenoble Alpes & CEA-Grenoble) and D. Aoki (Actinide Materials Science Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2018

Quantum Matter Research under Extreme Conditions-Networking of Advanced Multiple Tools (FY2018-2020)
PI: J. Chang(Physics Institute, Univ. of Zürich) and H. Nojiri(Magnetism Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2016

Developments of RE123 Insert Magnet(FY2016-2017)
PI: X. Chaud (LNCMI-CNRS) and S. Awaji (High Field Laboratory, IMR)
Investigation of Sructure and Properties of Nanoporous Metals Formed by Dealloying in Metallic Melt (FY2016-2017)
PI: E. Maire (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon) and H.Kato (Non-Equilibrium Materials Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2015

Development of the Next Generation Detector for High Energy Physics (FY2015-2016)
PI: M. Nikl (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic) and A. Yoshikawa (Advanced Crystal Engineering Div., IMR)
Investigation of Magnetic and Charge Dynamics by combining Pulsed Neutron-X-ray sources and Pulsed High Magnetic Fields (FY2015-2016)
PI: P. Manuel (ISIS, STFC RAL) and H. Nojiri (Magnetism Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2013

New Approaches for Single-Chain Magnets and Related Magneticallly-Correlated Materials (FY2013-2014)
PI: R. Clérac (CRPP, CNRS) and H. Miyasaka (Solid State Metal Complex Chemistry Div., IMR)
Spin, Lattice, and Ac-field Coupling in Magnetic Materials and Devices (FY2013-2014)
PI: S. Gönnenwein (Walther-Meissner-Inst.) and G. E. W. Bauer (Theory of Solid State Physics Div., IMR)
New Guideline for Designing Hydrogen Storage Complex Hydrides (FY2013-2014)
PI: B. C. Hauback (Inst. for Energy Technology) and S. Orimo (Hydrogen Functional Materials Div., IMR)
High Pressure Studies of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (FY2013-2015)
PI: G. Knebel (CEA Grenoble) and D. Aoki (Actinide Materials Science Div., IMR)
New Technology for Materials Science: Developing a Terahertz-Frequency EPR Spectrometer (FY2013-2014)
PI: D. Graham (Univ. of Manchester) and H. Nojiri (Magnetism Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2011

Developmetnt of Functionalized Molecular-based Magnetic Materials (FY2011-2012)
PI: J. Schnack(Bielefeld Univ.) and H. Nojiri(Magnetism Div., IMR)
Theoretical Challenges in Spintronic Materials (FY2011-2012)
PI:Y. Tserkovnyak(Univ of California) and G.E.W. Bauer(Theory of Solid State Physics Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2010

Development of IMR Neutron Spectrometer for Novel Material Science in J-PARC (FY2010-2011)
PI: L. P. Regnault(ILL, France)and K. Ohyama(Metal Physics with Quantum Beam Spectroscopy Div., IMR)
Lithium Fast-Ion Conduction in Complex Hydrides (FY2010-2011)
PI: A. Remhof(EPMA, Switzerland) and S. Orimo(Hydrogen Functional Materials Div., IMR)
Structual and Chemical Analysis on Doped Ceramics by Transmission Electron Microscopy (FY2010-2011)
PI: T. Epicier(INSA Lyon, France) and T. Konno(Div., IMR)
Developmetnt of a Compact Pulsed Magnet for high-Field Magneto-optical Studies of Carrier and Exciton Dynamics in Nanostructures (FY2010-2011)
PI: J. Kono(Rice Univ.) and H. Nojiri(Magnetism Div., IMR)

Research Project Started FY2008

Spin Electronics and Spin Caloritronics (FY2008-2009)
PI: G. E. W. BAUER(Technical University Delft, Germany)and S. Maekawa(Solid State Physics, Theory, IMR)
X-ray and Neutron Experiments in High Magnetic Fields for Developing Advanced Materials (FY2008-2009)
PI: Z. Islam(Advanced Photo Source, Argonne National Lab., USA) and H, Nojiri(Magnetism Division, IMR)
Mobility and Bonding State in Complex Hydrides (FY2008-2009)
PI:A. Zuttel(EMPA - Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research, Switzerland) and S. Orimo(Hydrogen Functional Material, IMR)
Development of CVD Process for Nano-structure Controlled Noble-metal Electrodes (FY2008-2009)
PI: J. R. Vargas Garcia(National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico) and T. Goto (Multi-Functional Materials Science, IMR)
Magnetic Field Heat-treatment for New Superconducting Materials and Ferromagnetic Manganites (2008-2009)
PI:Y. Ma (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences< China) and S. Awaji(High Magnetic Field Laboratory for Superconducting Material, IMR)