Young Fellowship
Visitors FY2025
- PhD Seetharaman Senthamizh Raja
Anna University, India
- In-situ observation of Growth process of InSb and InGaSb Semiconductor crystals for thermoelectric Application
Visitors FY2024
- PhD Student Yunxuan Wei (2024.7.29-2024.10.25)
Harbin Engineering University, China
- Formation Mechanism of "Nodular" Ferrite in Interphase Precipitation Strengthened Steel
Visitors FY2023
- PhD Student Mochammad Yan Pandu Akbar (2023.10.9-2023.12.9)
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Quantum Beam Materials Physics Research Divison
- Investigation of Crystal and Magnetic Structure of β-NaFeO2 Single Crystal
- Activity report
- PhD Student Gabriela Kamila Handzlik (2023.10.27-2023.12.2)
Jagiellonian University, Poland
- Solid-State Metal-Complex Chemistry Research Divison
- Magnetic Circular Dichroism Measurements for Complexes Based on Lanthanide Ions and Helicenes
- Activity report
- PhD Student Oliver Jack Dowinton (2023.7.30.-2023.9.2)
University of Manchester, UK
- Collaborative Research Center on Energy Materials
- First-Principles Modelling of Spin Transport in Low-Dimensional Cross-Correlated Materials
- Activity report
- PhD Student Basit Ali (2023.8.23-2023.11.5)
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic Materials
- (HR)TEM Characterization of Martensite Formation in Nitrogen-Stabilized Precipitation Hardenable Steel
- Activity report
Visitors FY2022
- PhD Student Thomas Kohne (2022.7.1-2022.9.20)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockhol, Sweden
- Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic Materials Research Division
- A study of the Effect of Quenching Rate on the Retained Austenite Stability Using in-situ Tensile Testing in High Carbon Martensitic Steel
- Activity report
- PhD Student Giovani Gonçalves Ribamar (2022.7.16-2022.9.17)
University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic Materials Research Division
- Microstructural Caracterization in Quenched and Tempered High Silicon Bearing Steel
- Activity report
Visitors FY2020
- PhD Student Yumi Milene Maeda (2020.9.1-2021.2.28)
State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil
- Environmentally Robust Materials Research Division
- Understanding Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms of Ferrite/austenite Duplex Steels
- Activity report
Visitors FY2019
- Dr. Tao Yu
Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 2019.7-2019.8 Theory of Solid State Physics
- Chiral Thermal Pumping of Magnons
- Activity report
- PhD Student Stanislav Olegovich Shirshikov
National University of Science and Technology
- 2019.10.1-2019.11.30 Non-Equilibrium Materials
- Microstructural and Magnetic Properties study of HPT-Compacted FeCo Powders
- Activity report
- PhD Student, Daniel Maslennikov
Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS, Russia
- 2019.7.8-2019.8.16 Cooperative Research and Development Center for Advanced Materials
- Investigation of the Effect of Green GDC (Gd-Doped Ceria) Powder Morphology on the Pproperties of the Ceramics Sintered Using Different Techniques.
- Activity report
- PhD Student Andoni Zabala Lekuona
University of the Basque Country, Spain
- 2019.10.9-2019.11.8 Magnetism
- Magnetic Characterization of Zn(II)-Ln(III) based Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs)
- Activity report
- PhD Student Sanu Mishra
CNRS and University of Grenoble Alpes, France
- 2019.8-2019.10 Actinide Materials Science
- High Quality Single Crystals Fermi Surface Studies on Ce-Based Heavy Fermion Compounds
- Activity report
- Ph.D. Student Mariana Carla Mendes Rodrigues
The University of British Columbia, Canada
- 2019.11.16-2019.12.15 Multi-Scale 3D Characterization of Two Phase Microstructure in Ti Alloys
- Activity report
- Ph.D. Student Warut Chewpraditkul
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
- 2019.7.31-10.29 Growth and Characterization of (Lu,Y,Gd)3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce,Mg Crystals for Timing Application
- Activity report
Visitors FY2018
- PhD Student Denis Rybin
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- 2018.6.30-2018.8.13 Non-Equilibrium Materials
- Structural Investigation of Nanoscale Detonation Carbon Obtained Using a Pulse Gas-Detonation Device
- Activity report
- Dr. Maria Szlawska
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
- 2018.5.12-2019.7.1 Actinide Materials Science
- Investigations of Pressure Phase Diagram of Ce3PdIn11 and Ce3PtIn11
- Activity report
- PhD Student Florian Jakobs
Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2018.9.9-10.5 (4weeks) Theory of Solid State Physics
- Theoretical Investigation of Non-Equilibrium Intra-Atomic spin Transfer in Rare-Earth Atoms
- Activity report
- PhD. Student Nevaf Ciftci
Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering IWT, Germany
- 2019.2.11-3.22 CRDAM
- Impact of Novel Cooling strategies on Properties of Soft Ferromagnetic Powders Synthesized Through Gas-Atomization
Visitors FY2017
- PhD Student Chalermpol Rudradawongs
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- 2017.11-12 Multi-Functional Materials Science
- Fabrication of 12CaO∙7Al2O3 Cement by Spark Plasma Sintering for Thermoelectric Applications
- Activity report
- PhD Researcher Jonathan Hughes
University of Manchester, UK
- 2017.7-8 Irradiation Effects in Nuclear and Their Related Materials
- Early Stage Precipitate Formation in Cu-based Alloys for Nuclear Fusion Reactors
- Activity report
- PhD Student Zhao Tianqi
Tsinghua University, China
- 2017.8-11 Theory of Solid State Physics
- First Principles Approach to Spin Relaxation Time in Anisotropic Semiconductor
- Activity report
- Dr. Karol Andrzej Bartosiewicz
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 2017.4.19-7.17 Advanced Crystal Engineering
- Growth and Study of Multicomponent Garnet Sscintillators
- Activity report
Visitors FY2016
- PhD. candidate Guk No, Yun
Seoul national university, Korea
- 2016.12.21-2017.2.24 Non-Equilibrium Materials
- Developing Water-Etchable Melt for LMD (Liquid Metal Dealloying) Process
- Activity report
- Dr. Jared Kinyon
Florida State University, USA
- 2017.1.5-3.31 Magnetism
- Multiferrocity in the Gapless Quantum Antiferromagnet NH4CuCl3
- Activity report
- PhD. Student Hua Wang
Department of Physics, Fudan University, China
- 2016.11.16-2017.1.15 Surface and Interface Research
- Enhancement of thermally injected spin current in epitaxial Pt/CoO/YIG
- Activity report
- PhD. Student Sougata Mallick
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, India
- 2016.10.30-12.25 Magnetic Materials
- Geometrical Dependence of MagneticProperties for Magnetic Antidot Lattices of Heusler Alloy
- Activity report
- PhD. Student Arthur Seiji Nishikawa
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2016.6.29-9.6 Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic Materials
- Characterization of Products of Competitive during Quenching and Partitioning Applied to a Ductile Cast Iron
- Activity report
- PhD. Student Arina Ukhina
Mechanochemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- 2016.7.2-8.15 Non-Equilibrium Materials
- Development of Porous Graphitic Carbon Materials by Spark Plasma Sintering and Selective Dissolution Using Fe-Subgroup Metals as Graphitization Catalysts and Space Holders
- Activity report
Visitors FY2015
- Dr. Yi Liu
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- 2016.1.6-3.6 Biomaterials Science
- Absorption Behaviors of Serum Proteins on the Surfaces of Biomedical Titanium Alloy
- PhD. Student Benedikt Johannes Hartmann
Institute of Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
- 2015.5.14-7.18 Low Temperature Condensed State Physics
- Investigation of Low-Frequency Charge and Spin Dynamics in Correlated p-Electron Systems with Multi-Degrees of Freedom
- Activity report
Visitors FY2014
- Ph.D. Student Mingyue Ruan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
- 2015.3.14-5.13 Magnetism
- High Magnetic-Field ESR Study on Spatially Confined Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnetic Materials
- Master Student Aditya Reza Haswendra
Andalas University, Indonesia
- 2014.6.29-9.2 Biomaterials Science
- Investigation of Corrosion Property of Beta-Type Titanium Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid
- Activity report
- Postgraduate Research Student Erin Kathleen Vehstedt
University College London, UK
- 2014. 5.26-9.2 Surface and Interface Research
- Spin-Charge Conversion Using Electronic Band Inversion Asymmetries
- Activity report
- Ph.D. Student Andrea Impagnatiello
University of Manchester, UK
- 2014.5.4-7.5 Nuclear Materials Science
- Investigation of the Early Stage of the Precipitation in V-4Cr-4Ti alloys by Position Annihilation Spectroscopy
Visitors FY2013
- PhD. Student Irina Stockem
University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany
- 2014.3.2-3.8 Magnetism
- Theoretical Investigation of the Spin Dynamics in the Pt/Co/a-Cr203 Thin Film Systems
- Activity report
- Ph.D. Student Jaroslav Valenta
Charles University, Czech
- 2014.1.25-3.1 Actinide Materials Science
- Effect of Pressure on the Electronic State of RCo2 (R:Rare-Earth) Ferrimagnets
- Activity report
Visitors FY2012
- Ph.D. Student Soo-Hyun Joo
Pohang Univ of Science and Technology, Korea
- 2012.6-7 Non-Equilibrium Materials
- Improving the ductility and wear property of bulk metalic glasses using high pressure torsion
- Master Student Arnold Everhardt
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- 2012.5-6 Surface and Interface Research
- Measurement of the Spin Seebeck effect in an insulating ferromagnetic Inorganic-Organic Hybrid
- Ph.D. Student Matthias Benjamin Jungfleisch
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 2012.4-6 Surface and Interface Research
- Spin CaloricTransport Phenomena and Spin Hall Effect Studies
(IMR Member Only)
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Lunch Map around the Katahira Campus