Application Form
Application Forms
Category | Forms for submission | Description | Download |
Type J: Integrated Project | Form1 | Application form of integrated project of ICC-IMR | PDF Word |
Form3 (all members) | Short C.V. for foreign collaboration Researcher | PDF Word | |
Type G: Visiting Professor | Full C.V. (including all information in Form3) | Short C.V. for foreign collaboration Researcher | PDF Word |
Type G: Form8 (by host researcher at IMR) | Application form For Visiting Professor)-English version (by host researcher at IMR) | PDF Word | |
International Workshop: Co-Sponsorship and Endorsement | Form2A | Application form of International Workshop: Co- Sponsorship and Endorsement | PDF Word |
Type W: International Workshop: Financial Support | Form2B | Application form of International Workshop: Finalcial Support | PDF Word |
Type F: Fellowship for Young Researcher and PhD Student | Type F_ Young Fellowship outline_20240501 | Notice: The application system for Young Fellowship has changed. Apply through GIMRT's Single Visit. For more information see the PDF on the right. | |
Form3 | Short C.V. for Younng Researcher and PhD Student | PDF Word | |
Form9 | Application form of ICC-IMR Fellowship For Young Scientists | PDF Word | |
Type R: Oversea Visit for IMR Young Researchers | Form3 | Short C.V. for Oversea Visit for IMR Young Researchers | PDF Word |
Form 10 | Application form of Research visit of young faculty/School/Conference | PDF Word | |
Visiting Researcher (外国人研究者) | Form11 | Regulation and Application form of IMR Visitng Resaeracher/外国人研究者内規及び受け入れ調書 | PDF Word |
Full C.V. | Short C.V. for foreign collaboration Visiting Researcher | Word | |
example | 外国人研究者内規及び受け入れ調書 |
(IMR Member Only)
Information on Support for Foreign Researchers and Students
Rental for Visiting Researchers from Overseas or Workshops
Lunch Map around the Katahira Campus