Summit of Materials Science 2024 and GIMRT User Meeting 2024
SMS2024 was successfully held at IMR auditorium with almost 300 participants (including online participants) in 2 days from November 27 to 28.
The conference started with welcome greetings by Prof. Rie Umetsu, Deputy Director of IMR, and Prof. Takahiko Sasaki, Director of IMR.
The conference was divided in 7 fields, “Strong Correlation and Topology”, “Energy Materials”, “Computational Materials Science and Informatics”, “Structural Materials”, “Nuclear Materials”, “Frontier in Metal and New Materials”, and “Functional Magnetic, Electronic and Semiconducting Materials”.The total number of speakers was 27 this time, including 10 were invited, in which 8 were from overseas. The venue was very full, a hot discussion was exchanged at every field. In the evening of the 1st day, the poster session was held, researchers and students presented their recent research topics. The discussion was overflowing until the next program Mixer, a lively discussion ensued.
MOU between the European Magnetic Field Laboratory and the High Magnetic Field Collaboratory
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Magnetic Field Laboratory and the High Magnetic Field Collaboratory Signed on March 7, 2024
The European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) is a consortium of three national laboratories:
- the Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. (HZDR), Dresden, Germany;
- the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Grenoble and Toulouse, France;
- the High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML), Radboud University (RU), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
The High Magnetic Field Collaboratory (HMFC) is a collaborative research organization of three Japanese high magnetic field facilities:
- the International MegaGauss Science Laboratory (IMGSL), the Institute for Solid State Physics(ISSP) , the University of Tokyo;
- the Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science (AHMF), the Graduate School of Science,Osaka University;
- the High Field Laboratory for Superconducting Materials (HFLSM), the Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University.
Summit of Materials Science 2023 and GIMRT User Meeting 2023
Summit of Materials Science (SMS) 2023 and Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku (GIMRT) User Meeting 2023, the International general conference organized by IMR, was held on November 20-22. All speakers gathered in a hall after an interval of four years since the last onsite meeting of 4th SMS held just before the pandemic. The total number of speakers were 48 this time. 20 were invited, in which 11 were from overseas, and 28 were contributed or short speakers. Not only senior researchers, but also young and energetic speakers expressed lively their recent cutting-edge research topics.
The International Materials Science School 2023 (KINKEN WAKATE 2023), in Grenoble, France.
This event was followed by the international workshop titled “Topology, Spin-Orbit Interactions, and Superconductivity in Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials under Extreme Conditions” from October 10 to October 12, 2023, making it a joint event.
The school and the workshop aimed to discuss and exchange recent progress in the study of strongly correlated quantum materials under extreme conditions such as high fields, high pressure, and low temperatures. These conditions are critical for understanding phenomena like topological effects, spin-orbit interactions, superconductivity, multiple orders, and fermiology.
On the first day, the school was held at the high-field laboratory in Grenoble (LNCMI-G). It featured two tutorial lectures by Prof. Yoichi Yanase and Prof. Rikio Settai. Prof. Yanase discussed topological superconductivity, while Prof. Settai focused on quantum oscillation effects. In addition to the lectures, participants had the opportunity to tour the high-field lab and attend short poster previews.
From the second to the fourth day, the international workshop took place at the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, located near the Grenoble train station. The workshop included a total of 36 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations. Researchers and students from around the world gathered to share their findings and discuss various topics related to quantum materials.
The workshop provided an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and the establishment of collaborations. The diverse range of presentations covered cutting-edge research in topological phenomena, the interplay between spin-orbit interactions and superconductivity, and the physical properties under extreme conditions. This event highlighted the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in advancing our understanding of strongly correlated quantum materials.
Overall, the International Materials Science School 2023 and the subsequent workshop were successful in fostering discussions and collaborations among researchers and students, contributing significantly to the field of quantum materials science.
The 4th Dalian University of Technology – Tohoku University Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials (2022)
The 4th Dalian University of Technology – Tohoku University Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials (2022) was held on Monday, May 23rd, 2022. 25 speakers gave presentations on Structure Design and Electrochemical Performance Regulation of Polymer-Based Electrochemical Energy Materials, Beating Thermal Coarsening in Nanoporous Metals by High-Entropy Design, Preparation and Application of Magneto/Electro-rheological Composites, Development of high-strength and high-electrical conductive Cu-Ti alloy wires, Investigation of the Invar effect via anomalous Hall effect, Enhanced Anomalous Nernst Effect in Metallic Superlattices, and so on. Although this workshop was held online, there was a very active exchange of opinions and it was also meaningful for both universities. We hope that the next workshop will be held onsite.
Summit of Materials Science 2022 and GIMRT User Meeting 2022 Affiliated with KINKEN WAKATE 2022 (March 2–3, 2022)
The joint international conference SMS 2022 and GIMRT User Meeting 2022, which has been suspended since 2020, were held as in person meeting at the Sendai International Center for the first time in two years. At the conference, 29 invited lectures (including 8 young invited speakers of jointly held KINKEN WAKATE 2022) in 5 fields of "Quantum Beam", "Functional Material", "Nuclear Materials / 5f", "Computational Materials Science / Informatics", "High Magnetic Field and Magnetism", and "Structural Materials" were presented by researchers from 6 nations. The participants enjoyed the rare on-site international conference under the pandemic situation. It became a memorable event as a precursor to the revival of international joint research together with the significant relaxation of border measures of Japan from March. Following this success, GIMRT plans to hold several international conferences from coming summer to autumn and welcomes visitors from abroad.
ARHMF2020 & KINKEN Materials Science School 2020 for Young Scientists
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Research in High Magnetic Fields and KINKEN(IMR) Materials Science School 2020, were held on online from Dec 1-3 2020.
More than 150 participants, mainly young students and researchers, have learned the most recent progresses and trends in the research area. In the afternoon of the Day1, two parallel sessions have been organized with 18 talks from mainly by young researchers and students with some leading talks by senior experts. In the evening, we had 24 interactive poster presentations by using Zoom breakout function. In summary, the workshop was very successful for the exchange among the international community at the point that the exchange had been suspended nearly 10 months.
KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics” at Centennial Hall in Kobe University, as a joint workshop with J-Physics 2019 International conference from Sep 17 to Sep 21, 2019.
In the first two days, KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 was held as a tutorial session, where 5 distinguished lecturers gave their lectures mainly for young researchers and students. The topics covers spin-triplet superconductivity, topological insulator/ superconductor, augmented multipole, high field experiment, Ab initio calculation. Also had short oral presentations by students who have their posters. There were 155 participants including 18 from abroad, France, Germany, The Netherlands, USA, China, Korea, Croatia.
Summit of Materials Science 2019 and GIMRT User Meeting 2019
Summit of Materials Science (SMS) 2019 and Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku (GIMRT) User Meeting 2019, the International general conference organized by IMR, was held on November 27th -29th. 20 Invited/Keynote speakers gave presentations on Spintronics and Electronics, Nuclear Engineering, Structural Materials, Energy Materials and Crystal Growth, Neutron and High Field, and so on. At The end of the meetings, 72 poster presentations were given by younger researchers.
Summit of Materials Science 2018 (SMS2018)
The International Conference “Summit of Materials Science” (SMS2018) was held from Oct. 29th to Oct. 30th, 2018 at the IMR Auditorium, the 3rd in a series organized by the IMR, following SMS2012 and SMS2016. After the opening speech by the director Koki Takanashi, which was followed by 6 invited talks, and then 14 oral and 78 poster presentations, all given in English by IMR researchers. The aim of this meeting was, along with scientific interactions, to exchange opinions and discuss the future of materials science.
15th Materials Science School for Young Scientists (KINKEN WAKATE 2018) & Symposium of 30th Anniversary of Nano Crystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys (FINEMET 30) were held at IMR international center building and the auditorium on August 29-31, 2018. For providing an opportunity to learn history, fundamentals of Nano Crystalline Soft Magnetic Materials and to exchange information on own research among participants, four frontier scientists in this field were invited as lecturers.
We had 44 members of participants (9 from overseas + 35 from domestic areas), joined from 8 countries (USA, Australia, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, China, Korea and Japan). We had enthusiastic discussions and a chance to share the latest research results with the world’s top scientists.
KINKEN-WAKATE 2017 "New Frontier of Molecular Materials"
New Frontier of Molecular Materials (NFMM), for young researchers, were held as KINKEN-WAKATE of this fiscal year at auditorium in IMR on Sep. 29-30. Three prominent professors, Prof. M. Dressel for physics, Prof. V. Dobrosavljevic for theory, and Prof. H. Mori for chemistry were invited for tutorial lectures for students and young researchers. Starting with the historical talk about IMR and KINKEN-WAKATE by Prof. H. Fukuyama, 26 oral and 15 poster presentations were made with active and fruitful discussions for the two days. Various discussions among researchers across generations and research fields were held in the evening session currently with poster presentation. The participants included 23 students, 19 young and 11 senior researchers, 8 professors.
Summit of Materials Science 2016 (SMS2016)
The Summit of Materials Science (SMS) is an international forum, held by the IMR and initiated after the catastrophic earthquake in 2011. It covers a broad range of topics in solid-state physics and chemistry, as well as materials science. This time, SMS 2016 was organized as a part of our centennial celebration. It started by the opening speech, entitled "Past and Present of IMR", by the director Koki Takanashi, which was followed by 25 invited talks, on Spintronics, Magnetism, Crystal Growth, Energy-related Materials, Structural Alloys and Ceramics, Phase Transformation, etc. Immediately prior to this forum, a Young Scientist Workshop was held. 18 oral and 64 poster presentations were given in English by burgeoning researchers from the institute. The central objective of this meeting was, along with scientific interactions, to exchange opinions and discuss the future of materials science. Under the motto "My Dream, My Ambition", every presentation radiated uplifting enthusiasm. In this way, SMS 2016, with 166 participants including 48 from overseas, contributed a memorable milestone to the history of IMR.
KINKEN-WAKATE 2016 "Functional Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Related Magnetism”
The titled workshop, 13th Materials Science School for Young Scientists (KINKEN WAKATE 2016): Workshop for Young Investigators on Functional Molecular Materials and Molecular Related Magnetism – Rising Star Pre-ICMM@IMR –, was held in the term of 3rd – 4th September, 2016 at the lecture hall in IMR. In the workshop, three world researchers in the field of molecular magnetism, Prof. Joel S. Miller, University of Utah, USA, Prof. Rodolphe Clérac, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, France, and Prof. Michel Verdaguer, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, were invited as tutorial lecturers.
In addition to the tutorial lecture, seventeen members of young investigators had oral presentations, and more than fifty members had poster presentations on the first day evening.
In this meeting, we had a lively discussion not only on molecular magnetism, but also on much wider subjects of materials science. Finally, we had total 112 members of participants (65 from oversees + 47 from domestic areas), who joined from 14 countries (USA, France, Australia, Spain, Poland, Canada, Germany, UK, China, Russia, Swiss, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Japan).
KINKEN WAKATE 2015 “Spintronics & Spin Current”
On September 24-25, Kinken Wakate “Lectures on Spintronics & Spin Current” was held in Sendai as a collaborative activity by ERATO-SQR, Nano Spin Conversion Science, and ICC-IMR. The aim of this program is providing young researchers with cutting-edge reviews of various aspects of spin science and encouraging them to challenge the frontier of this research field.
Spintronics and spin-current are the novel scientific concepts emerging from notable developments of nanotechnology during past two decades. The use of spin and flow of spin are now at the stage of seeking commercial applications and GMR, TMR, and MRAM are spectacular success of such challenges. The aim of this series of lectures is encouraging young researchers to challenge the frontier of spin science and to network with each other for their future collaborations. As a result, about 100 young distinguished researchers and students attended this program and vigorous discussions were exchanged among participants throughout the event. We believe thus established spin science community contributes to the future development of this field of research.
11th Materials Science School for Young Scientists (Kinken Wakate 2014) was held on 29th September 2014 at Institute for Materials Research. Four professors provided lectures on superconductivity from both of theoretical and experimental points of view. Over 40 students and scientists participated the school. In short talk session, several participants gave presentation on their projects and enjoyed fruitful discussion with senior professors.
MSW 2011
International Declaration on Materials Science in Tohoku 2011 “Contributions in the field of Materials Science to build a better society” is open to public together with our overseas partners in more than 20 countries to exhibit our resolve to find solutions to many of the unsolved problems in our society through research in Materials Science.
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